

I have been collecting Richard Vest sculptures for twenty years, and have a collection of over 100 pieces. I am constantly amazed at the stunning artistic creativity, imagination and technical expertise that makes this collection the dream of any true art collector. From magnificent sea creatures to stunning fantasy creations to life-like African and southwest animals, these carved wood renderings are brilliant and unparalleled. Anyone who truly appreciates an artist who has few if any contemporaries that can match his style, form and inventiveness will understand that one's collection of true beauty cannot be complete without a Vest!

                                                                                         Gloria H. Giroux, Author of Fireheart

If you have a desire to display high value quality artistic wood sculptures reflecting your home or business's interior objectives, then I encourage you to surf Richard Vest's web site from end to end.  From sea life to wildlife and beyond Richard's distinguished works of art easily have a place in any home. For the past 25 years Richard has greatly assisted my nautical theme of living along the California Coast. I certainly enjoy the feeling of what each of his pieces has contributed to my lifestyle. I am very pleased with his masterpiece ocean environment that is exhibited on an 8'x15' living room wall.  This ocean aquarium includes several sea life pieces including an octopus, turtle, crab, sea horses, angel fish, a red snapper and an ocean floor with sea weed and coral.  Richard is a master of his profession and he demonstrates that ability by a relenting aspiration to create new and unique wood carvings.  Additionally, his artistic skill and knowledge creates a lasting customer friendly relationship. If the opportunity occurs, check his website for show schedules so that you may personally meet Richard and his wife Rexine  and, of course, view his great art work.

                                                                                        Doug Lemaire

In 1978 I received a phone call at my business from a fellow who wanted an acrylic aquarium built. Not just any aquarium, but a huge one! He was looking for a tank eight foot long, four foot wide and thirty inches tall. It was also to have many specialized plumbing fittings in the bottom. Having built many large tanks at Ultima Plastics, Inc. I suggested we get together and go over the specifications. Little did I realize that this would be the beginning of a thirty plus year friendship!

Richard had just started to do craft and art shows, and was still teaching high school. The aquarium was built, and by some miracle we were able to get it up a flight of stairs and into Richard's living room. Believe me when I say that a six hundred gallon aquarium in the middle of the living room is one impressive sight! I saw some of Richard's work, and ordered a Sei Whale carved in Walnut. After it was finished and on the wall, my wife asked Richard if he could do a smaller one to be a calf with its mother. Our friendship and our collection just grew from there.

We stayed in contact and we frequently met Richard and Rexine at the Fremont Art and Wine Festival, where I noticed his sculptures were becoming more multi dimensional, or "deep relief" in art terms. It was at one of these meetings that I asked Richard if he could carve us a Pelican, and he commented that he didn't think it would be a popular item. He started with them at Tempe, Arizona the next spring, and Pelican's have been a huge success. The Pelican's in Flight at the top of this web site are the next stage of Richard's continuing advancement as an artist It was soon after these that he began doing full three dimensional sculpture, or "in the round" pieces. If you are fortunate enough to see the lowland Gorilla, and stare into its eyes, you become nervous that it doesn't blink!

In 1997, after twenty years and three recessions, I decided to sell my business and "retire". Having been a driven perfectionist all my life, I had to find something to occupy my time. I started dabbling in graphic design, and then web development. As my abilities grew, so did Richard's talent and scope of wildlife sculpture. In early 2008, he asked me to design and build a website for him, and I jumped at the chance to have my friend's talent and work seen worldwide. We have collaborated on many projects over the years, but this is my most exciting, as I can finally pay tribute to not only a truly wonderful friend, but a person who's talent and love of all wildlife is unsurpassed.

With our friendship, it brings to mind the line from Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead,
" Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been."

                                                                                        Bernie Pugh, Graphics by GD

I purchased a beautiful cedar Humpback whale at ArtWalk 2008 for my husband because he is a docent on whale watching tours out of San Diego.  I came to learn that my husband sees Grey whales, not Humpbacks, so as much as we loved the Humpback, a Grey whale seemed more appropriate.  A year later, at ArtWalk 2009, I explained my confusion to Richard who immediately offered to exchange the piece at no extra charge and to carve a Grey whale for us in the wood of our choice.  Now not only do we have an equally beautiful Grey whale sculpture in our home, but we are happier knowing that it came from a consummate artist and a very generous man who aims to please his customers.  Thanks again, Richard!" 

                                                                                         Cheers, Alyssa Paoletti Fry

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2008-2025 · All work represented on this site is copyrighted by the artist.
No part of this site or the sculptures depicted may be reproduced by any means