Carvings In Homes - Page 7

Below are examples of clients who have mailed me photos depicting displays of wall  and
in the round sculptures in their home. To date, pieces have found their way into not only homes
 but in medical and law offices, commercial buildings and restaurants. The work is quite striking
to the public when they visit these establishments.

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This collector in Florida is a marine biologist and fond of bizarre invertebrate art. The hermit crabs will go to her second home in Florida.  It is a 1920 Spanish house, called Hermit Crab Inn. The house has pecky cypress panels and ceilings, and  the hermits will be the signature pieces for the house in the living room. 
This home in Colorado has many pieces on display in their Great Room. These pieces were all collected at the Morro Beach Art Festival in California. The Dueling Buffalo mirror, the Deep Relief Buffalo Head, The Walking Grizzly, the Puma and the Badgers are all representative of Colorado wildlife.  
This California home has a wonderful way of displaying the African Scene. Using dimmable LED lighting, in conjunction with spot lights, the effects can range from daylight to a subtle night time backlight. This effect can be done to many of the Rising Tide Sculptures, all it takes is your imagination.
This wall sculpture depicting the Loggerhead sea turtle graces the walls of a Morro Bay, California home. The Piece is carved in a deep red Tennessee Red Cedar and is a wonderful contrast to the western light colored cedar on the walls.
The Loggerhead  is an endangered species and is carved with   a heavy texturing making it quite striking when viewed from anywhere in the room.
This incredible wall mural with several Rising Tide sculptures is from a client whose name and address has been lost. This is truly an outstanding mural and I would very appreciative if the person would contact me with the source.
This house in Morro Bay, California displays the Blue Whale set in Alder wood with a textured surface and white staining giving it a striking appearance.  The set measures approximately 46" across the length and looks great in this room displayed at a slight angle." 
This home in Cayucos, California has the high ceilings with wood beams. A set of Humpback Whales carved in Red Gum graces the wall and picks up the tones of the beams. The Humpback set is close to 5 feet in length and makes a great addition to this room.
This home in San Jose, CA proudly displays the Lion Fish carved in Hard Rock Maple over  their 100 gallon salt water aquarium. The couple  commented how great the lion fish carving looks especially when the real one in the tank swims by.
Many customers have set my original carvings above or near their aquariums for a wonderful compliment to the tank set up.
These Bottlenose Dolphins are carved in Tennessee Red Cedar and grace the stairwell of the Carlsbad, California home. The set is quite striking and is viewed as you enter the home. The large dolphin measures well over six feet in length, while the smaller dolphins measure 4 feet and 38". Quite a beautiful display for a house near the ocean.

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